How I Protect My Skin In My 30s
For most people, their skin will never look better than when they were in their 20s. For others, it will never look worse. How your skin looks at your age depends on your diet, your lifestyle, and many other factors, but it can also be affected by using the wrong products or misusing the right products. I am more than 30 years young (I don’t get old 🙂) and I like my skin to be clean and glowy while keeping things very simple. Let’s explore.
1 – Meditate as much as you can
Meditation has many benefits, and one of them is clear skin. When you meditate, you are able to focus on your breath and clear your mind of any thoughts that may be causing stress. This can lead to improved circulation and reduced inflammation, both of which can help to clear up your skin.
Same as exercising, you don’t have to put too much pressure on yourself by thinking that you have to do a 1-hour meditation. It can only be for 10 minutes or even less, each day or several times a day. If you have free times to meditate during the day for only 5 minutes, let’s say in the morning, after lunch, and in the evening, it is 15 minutes. Starting from that can work wonders bringing you peace and tranquility. If 5 minutes is too much for you, reduce it to 2, or maybe a few seconds.
2 – Stay hydrated and eat right
Like most health-related things, you cannot beat eating right and hydration for helping to maintain and even improve your health. Acne can come from you eating dairy and too much sugar.
Eating a diet high in plant nutrition is essential for healthy skin and eyes. Drinking enough water is also necessary. Did you know that most people are dehydrated right now and don’t know it? Try focusing on drinking a minimum of 2 liters / 68 ounces (depending on your height and weight) of water a day, not just for 7 or 30 days, but make it a lifestyle. What can help you to drink more water is to infuse it with orange peels for example (that’s what I do, it is so convenient, you don’t have to buy extra things to do it).
Another drink you can easily make from home is a green smoothie on a daily basis. If you follow me on social media, you will notice that this one the things deeply love to make. It is not only good to clear the skin but also helps with digestion and really cleans the body. You will feel energized and your cravings for unhealthy food will go away.
3 – Exercise
Exercise can help improve your skin in many ways. It can increase blood flow and help deliver oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells. Exercise also helps reduce stress, which can impact your skin negatively. And lastly, it can help promote a healthy body weight, which can also impact your skin positively. So, if you’re looking to improve your skin, make sure to get some exercise in!
You don’t have to run a marathon for that. Some people are reluctant when it comes to exercise because they think they have to sweat and push their bodies into pain. It can simply be a 30-minute walk every day, stretching exercises to get your body moving, or a 10-minute low-intensity workout.
4 – Treat acne properly
If you have acne, the best treatment is to seek medical advice. Some people have acne due to hormonal imbalances, and others have it due to genetics, while some have it due to an allergic reaction to things like dairy, stress, and anxiety. The main thing to know is that if you have acne, you don’t want to touch or scratch your skin, causing further infection and scarring by picking it. Instead use natural methods and products like aloe vera gel, shea butter, rosehip oil, or creams that contain 100% of natural ingredients.
It’s not about staying under the sun for an hour but a few minutes now and then to get some vitamin D !
Me for Studio Marguerite | Photo by Désirée Martinho
6 – Avoid Using Too Many Products
Many people get a little crazy with the products, piling them on and causing issues. They get caught up in the skincare routines they see from influencers using tons of products and making 20 steps. Having skincare products is great but you don’t need to get all of them and use everything.
I personally only need a gentle cleanser, a microfiber washcloth /towel for wiping and drying, and a skin-type appropriate moisturizer. For makeup, less is more too, but you can use a lot if you make sure it doesn’t have a lot of additives.
7 – Remove makeup before bed
No matter how natural your makeup is, washing your face before bed is an essential beauty regime that will make a huge difference. Wash off not just the day’s makeup but also the germs and oils that can cause acne and dullness. Add a night-time moisturizer, and your skin will work hard to repair itself while you sleep.
Even if you don’t wear make-up very often (like I do) and you think that it won’t do anything if you wait until the next day to wash your face, your skin won’t wait to react.
8 – Get your beauty sleep
Not much can improve your skin as much as sleep. Sleeping enough each night gives your body time to perform repairs that only happen while asleep. Sleeping 7 to 9 hours each night helps cut down on sagging skin, dark circles, and dullness. Imagine that – you can look many years younger just from sleeping? It’s true.
Be careful not to be on your phone right after going to sleep because it might cause you to have trouble sleeping and wake up the next morning exhausted.