Tips From Mindset & Career Coach Eugénie Sylva On Overcoming Imposter Syndrome.
Here is Eugénie ! | Photographer: Mark Sherratt
Tell us a few words about your careeR…
After my master’s in entrepreneurship and being unsure where to head, I’ve worked in engineering and consulting for almost 7 years in the UK, from Business Development to Delivery and Project Management. I landed in this sector not because I chose it but mainly because the contract and the opportunity to move abroad were offered. I thought I needed to build my network and experience anyway so why not start with a big challenge abroad.
At that time the company I worked for was looking for someone to build their UK office so it was a significant challenge while managing people the age of my dad with more than 15 years of experience. I was the newbie among knowledgeable individuals. nevertheless, my mindset built from basketball made me see these as a championship I needed to be prepared for and asked me to be consistent, disciplined, and open to feedback while I was learning and became one of the few females from a minority to be in a managerial position in the engineering sector. I also launched, in the meantime, Selah when I decided to question that decision and if I was walking where I was supposed to be using my work experience, basketball at a professional level, and life experience to empower others so they can thrive in their projects.
Since then I decided to leave my 9-5 and do what’s allowing me to use my creativity in coaching, sport modelling, acting, and providing support in my local community part-time.
According TO you, what does it mean being confident ?
I would say it is the ability to know your why and believe in your decisions until they pay off. Listening to your inner self and what’s made of you that is unique.
Photographer: Arlette
What role play beliefs in our path to self-confidence ?
Our belief system is shaped at such a young age by our peers, family, and what we see around us that it can have a positive or negative impact on us so the environment, what or who you listen to does play a part in shaping your belief system.
For example, if you grew up in an environment where you’ve been told that you are not capable of doing anything. In that case, you will subconsciously believe in it hence the need to deconstruct certain beliefs at a certain age to build self-confidence, resilience, and trust in what you want to achieve in life.
Photographer: Hattie Studio
GIVE US 4 tips to overcome imposter syndrome
First of all, even the best do have imposter syndrome and females even more so don’t be too hard on yourself, acknowledge and face it so you can overcome it.
It takes time, discipline and consistency to overcome it but it is possible so don’t give up.
Positive affirmations are a way to reeducate your brain by replacing what’s mentally blocking with a positive belief about yourself. You can start by choosing one affirmation you write down to say out loud every morning before going outside of your house or starting your day that will be your boost and support system when negative thoughts try to penetrate your brain.
Celebrate your wins - when achieving something, even a small task ex going for a walk that was part of your goal, celebrate yourself verbally (“ I’ve made it, I am so proud of me”) but also with a kind gesture to train your reward system that will reinforce your self-confidence and make you feel encouraged which is knocking down with time that imposter syndrome.
Photographer: Mark Sheratt
Tell us the signs people need to work with a coach ? And what they can expect from working with you ?
Deciding to have a coach on your side is a decision only you can make as it’s an inner one to finally get to the next level and face whatever you must face to overcome it. We all face walls in our lives that can be faced with a support system that includes a coach.
That can be low self-esteem, fear, imposter syndrome, building your mindset resilience, self-confidence to finally launch that business or redirect yourself professionally to a path you truly enjoy but again that is a personal decision as coaching is you and I working together for a common successful goal.
I hired a coach before becoming one when I was professionally indecisive after accepting that first job in engineering and needed to understand why I was so scared to quit and apply for a role that was more suited for me. So signs could be the readiness to chase your dreams and not look back, feeling stuck in a decision work or project-wise, ready to allow yourself to shine and be content with the professional path you’ve decided to walk into and get rid of what the society, surrounding expect of you to deliver.
As a mindset and career coach, I believe in knowing your why and when you are ready to make the changes as I will be there for you but only you can make that decision so I can be on your side and walk with you until you reach that objective.
You can connect with mindset and career coach Eugénie Sylva on her website, Instagram, Podcast (in French), and Linkedin.