Blog Analytics - From January Until May 2024

Blogging is an another effective way for artists to creating content and growing on the internet. We might think that blogging is a tool from the past but it’s not. Many new blogs and blog posts are created everyday. Also, many bloggers get partnerships with brands, and I think it’s underrated.

We tell us that when it comes to creating content, we have to answer to a problem for people so that we can attract more of them. I need to ask… Do influencers answer to a problem in their videos, pictures and stories when they show themselves in swimsuits everyday ? I don’t think so. But please tell me if you have the answer. They simply show themselves as they are and say things like they want to say. And sometimes without looking for what is working the most to go viral. They show up consistently and it works.

With blogging, you can make it personal by sharing good moments of your life and also professionally, sharing your experiences that can help other people. Things don’t always have to be serious and boring. For example, writing a 1500-word article every time you post and search for keywords. There is nothing wrong to do some research, however, for me, it can slow me down and even discourage me from writing what I enjoy the most. 

Blogging helps me to stay consistent with content creation, and I never lack ideas. I have a long list of posts that I want to publish and I always add ideas almost every day. With consistency, I can see more people landing on my website and from all over the world ! That’s my goal, reaching many countries, as much people as possible, that’s why I write in English. 

The numbers that I will show don’t only include blogging. People also landed on my website through my Instagram and through my email as I was frequently pitching brands from 2021 until early 2023.

So I started blogging in 2022 but I wasn’t consistent at all. Plus, I didn’t promote the blog posts that much. Here are the analytics for the whole year.

In English: Visits | Unique visitors | Viewed pages

Then in 2023, the number has dropped almost by half. I only published 3 articles and that was at the end of the year.

Ah the beginning of May 2024, I started to publish regularly, every two day and on even day numbers. Don’t aks me why, I just like even numbers ! I really saw the difference in the analytics. Well… My most-read blog post is My First Time At Paris Fashion Week (SS24) which I published mid-December last year. But, still…

Let me show you the analytics from January this year until May. See the numbers increasing !






Not only I started to be consistent with posting on my website but also I was promoting them on Threads, X and some on my Instagram stories. I will keep going on this path as blogging is more convenient for me to create content. I will definitely share my analytics again in a few months !