Start With What You Have
We sometimes get caught up by waiting the right moment to start what we deeply want to do. Or even a sign to confirm us that we are on the right path. All this, just excuses !
Let me show you two shots of my first beauty photoshoot as an amateur photographer. I did it at my place with just natural light and my white dining table as the background for the picture on the left and just my wall for the picture on the right but looking at them, you couldn’t tell. My only photography equipment was my camera, the Canon 6D Mark II and the Canon 50mm1.2 lens. Even until this day, I am so proud of the work we did. At the time, I hadn’t backdrops and hadn’t started my business yet.

Camera settings: 1/125secs - F3.5 - ISO 125 |Model: Anta | MUA: Marion Hives

1/100 secs - F 5.6 - ISO 400 | Model: Elise | MUA: Marion Hives
You don’t need to have the brand new camera and a 100k € studio to be accountable in the industry. Until this day, clients come at home for photoshoots. This shot was recently taken at my place for a jewelry designer Alicia C. Bijoux.

Camera settings: 1/160secs - F10 - ISO400 | Light source: Neewer Flash M300 - 1/4 | Model: Margot | Hair & Make-Up: Maëlys Casmarec
Sometimes think we need to have a lot of things that will help us create awesome work. We hide behind fears while we can achieve great things only begin with what we have. That’s acutally when creativity is at its highest, don’t you think ?